How it works

Entiti is a distributed platform that enables the secure storage, access and management of your personal information

You Generate Your Data

Logins, demographic data, credit cards etc. One thing is true, as you use the internet you generate a ton of Online data that is unique to you.

We encrypt that data

When using entiti as that data is generated, is encrypted and saved to your unique entiti store. It is encrypted on your local computer (using a mixture of AES and CPABE Encryption). That encrypted data is also signed with a unique key that is used to verify your identity (public key encryption). This creates a unique , verifiable and secure entiti store that houses your personal information.

We Distribute that data

Once encrypted that entiti store is distributed to the Entiti network using a distributed P2P protocol. In order to ensure your data is your data, the network checks to match the data signature is correct and it matches your known Entiti. This process prevents people from trying to manipulate or change your data.

You Share that Data

Later when you decide to share your data with someone else (say signing up for a new service) you generate a share request to the third party. This request creates a unique key that only the 3rd party can use to decrypt the data you have encrypted. Most importantly you can later revoke this key and the third party can no longer access your data

We Track That Data

The thrid party is able to ask the Entiti network for your data, a request for that data is logged on your entiti ledger and shared to the 3rd party. using the key you generated during the share request, they are able to decode the data and leverage it for their purposes